
Thursday, March 24, 2011

50. Arrived

I wanted to post about the stuff that I bought from Gmarket but my phone is charging now so I can't take a photo of it.. Hmm, what I want to say is that, I received one of the things that I bought from Gmarket! WOOHOOO! :D It took 4 days after I bought it! Or was it 3 days? I don't know but it's pretty awesome! It's good in quality and etc etc. The thing that I regretted is that I should have bought the other type instead of the one that I bought. Will upload a picture next time! :)

Anyway, since it's gonna be boring without a post about Fat Boy's, I'm gonna post one now~ Muahahaha! :D Took my polaroid to Fat Boy's again and took with a few people! Awesome man! The thing is that I really use a lot of money to buy the film.. TT_TT Since photos speaks a thousand words right (whatever the correct phrase should be), I shall just post all the photos here! :}

1st photo (left): Me and Misuari! :}
2nd photo (right): Aaron and me! :D

1st photo (left): Me and one of my bosses, Justin! 8D
2nd photo (right): Justin and my sister! :)

1st photo(left): Ethel & Razak! :}
2nd photo (right): Razak and me! :)

Claire and me! :)

Both photos: Claire, Ethel and me! :)

Awesomeness! :D

We were having fun with taking polaroid that we totally forgotten about the shop.. -.- Well, there is not many people that comes today so I told Ethel that whenever I'm working, it seems that there is not many customers. Then she said: "Then how do you explain about Saturday and Sunday?" and I replied her: "Cos it's weekends?" and she said: "Rubbish -.-" Hahaha, shall work harder at Fat Boy's! :) Now I start remembering about Aaron going to quit Fat Boy's cos he needs to go for army! :( Damn sad lah! Everyone, one by one, is quitting and cannot see them anymore! D;

Claire pasted this one the cashier there! Hahahah :)
If you not sure if you go to the correct place to find me, you can always see the cashier!
And if you see this polaroid, means that you come to the correct place! :}

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