
Friday, February 25, 2011

32. Biases

I have a lot of biases from KPOP and my ultimate bias is definitely Key from SHINee! :}

Who else is more than perfect that he is? To be honest, when the song 'Lucifer' was about to come out, there were rumors that Key went bald. If not wrong, a lot Lockets (Key's fanclub) were crying and denying the fact that he gotten a bald for the new album. I was one of the victims but I didn't cry.. -.- I was like "Are you serious?" kind of thing. Like in the middle of shocked. Some of the unfaithful lockets went to other members especially to Taemin as SM Entertainment (SHINee's company) revealed some photos. After a deep thought, I decided even if he was bald, I will always become his fan! :)

Moving on to other biases, I really like Yesung, Sungmin, Ryeowook and Eunhyuk from Super Junior. Only recently that I like Donghae. I think it was because of the drama that he starred in. Actually, my ultimate bias from Teen Top is L.Joe but recently (after their Supa Luv promotion) I starting to like Chunji. I like both L.Joe and Changjo but I paid more attention to L.Joe. I like Hyomin and Eunjung from T-ARA. Only recently that I like Eunjung and it's because of the same reason as Donghae..Since it's gonna be a lot of biases from other groups, I'm going to list them! :D

- Seunghyun from F.T Island
- Kevin, Kiseop and Dongho from U-Kiss
- Seungho, Mir and Thunder from MBLAQ
- Daesung and Seungri from BigBang
- Yoseob and Hyunseung from BEAST
- Minhyuk from C.N Blue
- Junsu and Junho from 2PM
- Jokwon and Jinwoon from 2AM
- Dara from 2NE1
- Narsha and Gain from Brown Eyed Girls
- Hara from Kara
- Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Sunny and Yuri from SNSD
- Son Dam Bi
- Seo In Young

I have more biases in Boy groups than Girl groups. I think it's pretty obvious right? -.- I have a lot more biases but I just can't remember them. Aside from groups members, I also have an ultimate bias from an actor! :} It was because I watched Sungkyunkwan Scandal that I started to like Song Joong Ki. After watching Secret Garden, I started to like Lee Jong Suk..

31. SHINee

The title has said the whole thing that I'm going to post.. I'm seriously in love with this group! :} They are super awesome okay? I actually like a few groups and all the groups that I like are seriously famous groups. For example: Super Junior, SHINee, BEAST and 2NE1. To be honest, 2NE1 is the only female group that I really like. Well, I kind of like SNSD aka Girl's Generation but I only like a few of the members (Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Sunny & Yuri) and some of their songs (Tell Me Your Wish & Hoot). However, for 2NE1, I totally like all the members and their songs! They are pretty unique as they can pull off any looks! :D I think I said this before that 2NE1 is the main reason why I like KPOP.

Moving back to SHINee, it is almost 2 years that I'm a fan of them. I still remember that I like them around end of 2009. October maybe? It was when they were promoting 'Ring Ding Dong'. and I actually listen to their song because I was reading Jonathan Tan's blog and it was playing 'Ring Ding Dong'. Being curious, I look into them more. Since I know Super Junior first and being a fan of Yesung, I saw the performance that Yesung sub for Jonghyun (SHINee's lead singer) since he got swine flu. I think from then on, I was totally a fan of the song (RDD) and I kept looking for other SHINee's songs..

30. M

I think a few posts that I'm going to blog is about KPOP. Not my fault but it's because they are awesome okay? Like I said earlier, KPOP is becoming more and more popular. Believe it or not, the one that make Korea famous is their entertainment industries. Even those youngsters who are around 12 to 16 years old, will know who at least 1 group from Korea.

Moving on to the title of the post, M. The M stands for Super Junior 'M'. Do you know what the 'M' stands for? Freaking Mandarin. Since they are so famous around the whole, they make a sub group for Chinese fans! :} I think they are the only one from Korea that made Chinese song. Damn original okay? Before you get some misunderstanding, there are 2 non-Super Junior members inside Super Junior M..
Okay, their recent song is '太完美' which also means 'Perfection' or 'Too Perfect' or something like that. It's not that bad but I think to avoid pronunciation error, SM Entertainment (Super Junior's company) even put Chinese subtitle. -.- I don't know what to say but yeah, I think it's a good choice? They had a song before this and it's called 'Super Girl'. I seriously think that 'Super Girl' is a much more catchier song but because of 'dark/black' concept is trending, a lot of people like this. Without Further to do, just go and watch the video! :}

29. Getting Dry

Alright, to be honest, I'm getting lazy to post nowadays and I realised that some previous posts are seriously suck. I guess I was in a rush and can't properly think about what to post so I shall stop posting lousy things. I'm going to post stuffs about KPOP so to those who really detest KPOP, please skip this post.
Firstly, BigBang's comeback is freaking near. I didn't really know that they are like super popular. Wait wait wait, let me clear some stuffs first. I like BigBang and they are partly the reason why I'm into KPOP. In addition, I know that they are popular but I didn't think that they are so popular. They are like almost as popular as Super Junior! If VIPs (BigBang's fanclub) see this, they will be bashing me like crazy. I don't know how to describe but I know BigBang is one of the most powerful and influential group in Korea. Just read this to see how popular they are in Korea! It's like WOAH!
Secondly, I was really disappointed in NH Media! Are you freaking serious in kicking Kibum and Alexander from U-Kiss?! I don't get why Kibum is not good enough for U-Kiss and Alexander is one of the reason why there is a 'I' in U-Kiss. If you don't know what U-Kiss stands for, I will be kind enough to explain what it is. It stands for Ubiquitous Korean International (Idol) Super Star. Alexander can freaking speak 7 languages and you kicking him out?! Can you find someone who can speak Mandarin, English, Korean, Portuguese, Cantonese, Spanish and Japanese? Worse, NH Media, you lied about the reason they left! You said that Kibum agreed to leave but actually you FORCED him to leave and you said that Alexander left because he wants to pursue his studies which is also a lie.. Man, are all the companies like this?

Gosh, 1 happy and 1 sad news. How am I supposed to feel? D:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

28. Fat Boy's

Just read it the other way okay? I took it using my phone when I was using the shirt.. Hmm, the actual shirt for the workers is not the picture above but I got it since there was no more shirt left. The shirt above is actually for supervisor so I'm a supervisor? Muahahaha! :D Moving on, Scoop of Art is a biatch! They suddenly tell me and my friends not to work since they have full timers now. It's like what the fish lah! I already bought the black shirt especially for them. Going to curse them forever! D:

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

27. First Day!!

Before the work, I was totally nervous! Ask Rosemary and you will know how nervous I was!! :( I got scared by what one of the people said there and it has been long since I was working. In addition, the previous job doesn't allow me to take orders and at this place, they expected me to take orders. I was super scared that I wrote wrong order and the customer would complain. So when the actual work starts, I was still nervous and scared but I got used to it. It was actually quite fun and the food looked damn nice!

I think next time I will go to their place to eat since workers will get 20% discount if not wrong? But even with the 20% discount, it will not be cheap. The cheapest food is around $10 and the cheapest drink is around $5 unless you take water which is totally free. I totally want to eat the burgers when I go there to eat! :}

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26. Not Sleeping

On 15th February, I didn't sleep at all. It's not like I purposely didn't sleep, it's just that I was hungry and I can't sleep? In the end, I cooked instant porridge but it tasted bad cos I put too much water. Well, it's not my fault since the package said not to worry about putting a lot of water. -.- Tweeted about not being able to sleep and then, somehow, anyhow, talked to Huiwen for an hour until I decided to go down to the 7-11 to buy carrots. Reached back home, went to make kimbap. It was nice but it tasted a little weird since I only radish, carrot, rice and egg plus seaweed. At around 1PM, headed out to look for job with Rosemary and Vivian. Got accepted to Scoop of Art easily.

Since Rosemary had to work later on, we went to her house to eat. Vivian left afterwards and I went to watch "You Again" from Rosemary's laptop with her. When the movie ended, I companied her to Fat Boy's. Alright, from here onwards, I'm going to explain everything clearly.. I was supposed to meet Huiwen at Parkway at 5.45PM and if I headed to Parkway straight from Rosemary's house, I would be really early since her house is like 2 stops away from Parkway. So, I companied Rose to Fat Boy's and on the way there, it started to rain heavily so I took a shelter at the shop. Because they know that I'm working the next day, they began explaining the menu list, what to do and don't, rules and etc.

Halfway when they were explaining, the rain stopped and it was more than 6PM. I wanted to go but I can't possibly asked them that I need to leave. In the end, I met Huiwen at 6.30PM. I think it was because I didn't sleep at all, my mind was in a total mess. I can't think properly. Somehow it feels like when you are half drunk kind. Different people have different impact okay? Mine was like half drunk and I can't think straight. Went back home after I bought the kimbap ingredients and make it straight away. Around 10.30PM, Rose came to my house and ate 2 of the kimbaps that I made. She said nice okay? A Korean said that the korean food that I made nice.. You know what does that means~ Muahahahah! :}

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25. kimbap

I should have blogged earlier.. Can't remember everything and I just realised that i haven't blog since 14th February. To make up for that, i have a lot of things to blog like how was my first work after so long.. I shall start with yesterday the yesterday since now it's 19th Feb which is a Saturday.. On Thursday, Rosemary came to my house to make kimbap. Since she doesn't need to go to work, I suggested it first since she liked the kimbap that I made.

It was fun since i was cooking with someone. Joked around and laughed at everything we do.. In the end, we made 10 rolls of kimbap. -.- at first, we ate 2 each and I was full. However, Rose said that she can eat 2 more. In the end, we both ate 3 each. Since she was going to Do Young's house, we called her and asked if she wants one. She said: "Okay, I hope I won't die" -.- It's not the whole thing she said but I summarized it to like that.

After Rose left, I gave one roll to my cousin and ate the other 2.. T.T and because of this, I'm not going to eat rice for a week.. I lost a few kg a few days ago and all gained back by eating rice. My effort!! :(

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Monday, February 14, 2011

24. Shops

I went to search for jobs with Rosemary around Siglap to Katong there. Found a lot of shops that needs part time people but most of them wants either Singaporean or PR. We literally went WTF. Why can't they just accept foreigners? It's not like as if we will runaway before we work or something.

Skipping those fished up shops, there are a few good shops that I will recommend. Firstly, Scoop of Art, an ice cream shop at Marine Parade Library. I think no one knows about this shop since it's well hidden from the public's eyes. Well, you just have to search and you will find this shop. Secondly, JooJoo which is owned by Awfully Chocolate's boss. The manager is super friendly and she tries to help us as employing a foreigner is super troublesome (all the procedures or rules are WTF). Thirdly, is Fat Boy's. I don't know if you know where is this shop is but it's somewhere near Katong. The manager/boss is super friendly! :}

Well, there are other shops that are good as well but I just can't remember. I only remember these 3 shops which leave the most impression. I actually like a shop that have uniform since it's nicer. If Fat Boys never accept me, I'm really going to find work at Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

23. Nail Colour

While waiting for my nails to dry, I shall post this.. My nails are was supposed to dry like ages ago but they are not drying cos I put freaking a lot of layers.. Recently, I became obsessed with nail polishes. I really just want to buy everything that are available in Singapore. Even if I have the colour from a shop, I will still want to buy it from another shop. Someone please cure this obsession of mine! D:

Just this monday when I blogged about colouring my nails to green colour, I changed my nails' colour yesterday to silver. Then today, I changed my nails' colour again. While I was colouring my nails, I then think about all my nail polishes. I wonder when I'm going to finish them since I have like 20 without adding my sister's nail polishes. 3 of my nail polishes are black and they are most likely still full. T^T




Within a week, I coloured my nails 3 times. This basically means that my nails' cells are dead, seriously dead. I overlapped the silver colour with the recent black&white since I'm too lazy to erase it. Actually, I just wanted to try to do nail art and if something went wrong, I can just erased it without worry. However, if I erased the silver colour and then try to do the nail art and if something went wrong, I would probably be angry at myself. Thus I just wanted to try but I forgotten to try and went on colouring my nails to black&white. -.-

Boys can't possibly understand how tiring it is to colour our (girls') nails. Just in case if any guys reading this and they went on: "What?! You spend so much money on nail polishes!" or "How troublesome it is to colour your nails?" I shall summarise the whole process.

First, we need to use nail base coat before we use any colour. I bought mine from The Face Shop and it cost like $2.90? Nail base coat is transparent and most of the time, girls will use this when they are still school since it's transparent. I don't know for what but last time I also coloured my nails with base coat to school.

After the base coat dries, then we apply any colour that we want. Depending on the mood or what, it's good to have a lot of colours? Anyway, the nail polish industry is getting more cruel by making more and more colours for us, girls, to buy. They also make it one glittery and one is not glittery and we will end up buying both even though they are the same colour. Moving on, after everything, then use nail top coat which will help to make the nail colour stays longer.

I like O.P.I's nail polishes but I don't know where to buy it and I have never tried O.P.I's polishes before. I heard they are damn good and probably the number one in nail polish industry. Well, even if they are available in stores, they will cost a bomb. But I think I will still buy them, just some colours of course..

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

22. Help Me! :(

I need serious help. Everyday, from I don't know when, I have been thinking of this:


and this:

I can't stop thinking of kimbap.. Someone help me to stop thinking about this please!! :{ Planned to eat at korean restaurant with Rosemary since she also wants to eat kimbap. But the problem is that is there a kimbap in korean restaurant? Since kimbap is mainly sold on street in Korea, will we be able to eat one in the restaurant? Moreover, we are on budget! :(

Just checked on Ju Shin Jung and the price is totally OMG.. Maybe I should eat at Full House instead. When I went there the other time, they sell oden which was sold mainly on the street as well. Just try my luck and see if Rosemary wants to eat BBQ or normal stuffs.

21. Variety Show

At first, I was bored to death since I woke up just now as I have nothing to do. No drama to watch since I'm waiting for My Princess's and Dream High's episode 12. In the end, I totally rot like crazy until I go to watch Xiaxue's Guide to Life Episode 91 and then watch Now You Know from like the first video until the January one since I watch from January 2011 onwards.. I didn't eat anything as well like I said in the earlier post so I was really going crazy.

Until around 12AM or 1AM or 2AM, Jonathan Tan suggested to me to watch variety shows such as Family Outing and Running Man. At first, I wanted to watch Invincible Youth aka G7 better known as 청춘불패 or Cheong Chun Bul Pae. However, I just remembered that the place that I watch Invincible Youth don't have the complete episode with english subtitle. Thus, I decided to watch Running Man since Jonathan Tan choose Running Man over Invincible Youth..

I watched the first episode and it's totally hilarious! :D I think you will not get it if you don't really know the people who are inside the show but I don't think it is a problem if you don't know them. Since I only know like 4 out of the 9 people inside the show and I don't really know much about them. If you have nothing to do or watch, just go watch Running Man okay? :}

Friday, February 11, 2011

20. I'm hungry

To be honest, I was about to blog about nail polishes but I changed my mind. I'm super hungry now since I didn't eat since breakfast. I'm waiting for my food that is coming in 2 hours time. Anyway, I'm craving for Korean food especially kimbap.. I have been wanting to eat it even before I went to Korea for holiday. Even after I ate it in Korea, I'm still craving for it.. I went to buy kimbap at a korean shop at Bugis the other day with Huiwen but I still want more! :(

I just hate the fact that Singapore sells korean and japanese food like super expensive. They are like trying to squeeze out money from us. I still remember that time when I ate korean bbq with Rosemary and Doyoung and it cost us around $70. However, in Korea, it freaking cost us like $25?! I might as well stay in Korea. I will be able to ate all these without worry:

How nice right? Man, I miss Korea! :( I want to go there again during the winter~ I know it's like uber cold but cold weather is nice! I prefer cold than hot weather. Well, I just hate that the winter clothes are super thick..

19. Weird/Strange

At first, I wanted to blog about 2NE1's Can't Nobody MV or live performance but I change my mind when I was watching MAMA (Music Asian Music Awards). There are so many weird and funny things that I found. I actually know about this beforehand but I decided to post it now since I can't take it anymore..

Alright, korean bands/groups are currently 'hot' in like parts of the world and I kind of believe that they will dominate the world soon enough. I still remember that the first time I know about korean group was in 2007 when Rosemary introduced BigBang's Lie to me. After 3 years had passed, I'm kind of sure that half the population of Singapore are a KPOP fan.

If you don't believe me, just head down to Bugis Street and you will hear korean songs being played at almost all the shops. I don't know when they start playing korean songs but I'm 100% sure that 3 years ago, only the shops that sell korean things played korean song. The rest were probably playing english or chinese songs.

Moving back to the topic, korean companies need to think extra hard for their new artists' groups. Like I said, KPOP is becoming more and more famous and companies should not add any number to the group name. Here are the few group names:

- 4Minute: a 5 female members group
- 8Eight: a mix of 2 male and a female members group
- Infinite: a 7 male members group (I understand if they have 8 members since infinite's symbol is ∞)
- Nine Muses: a 10 female members group (at first they have 9 members but there is a rumor about another member that is going to be added in)
- Se7en: a male solo

I think there are more but I'm too lazy to check. Also, companies need to avoid using words such as boys, girls, junior, senior, teen and etc. Why? It is because of this:

- Brown Eyed Girls (consist of 4 members which 3 aged 29 years old and 1 aged 23 years old)
- Super Junior (they debuted like 2005 and I don't think they are 'junior' anymore)
- Teen Top (currently they are still teens since they are like 19 to 16 years old but in 5 more years, they are not teen anymore)

It's not that I hate them or what, it's just that companies should think twice before naming the groups or members.. They should name groups like:

- 2NE1: a 4 female members group
- 2PM: a 6 male members group
- After School: a 9 female members group
- T-ARA: a 7 female members group
- SHINee: a 5 male members group
- U-Kiss: a 7 male members group
- ZE:A: a 9 male members group

Number of Members
Hmm, since I talked about the group names, I might as well talk about the number of members in a group. I think it's because of SM Entertainment that now other companies are like trying to make a group with many members. SM Entertainment started to make a group of 13 members which is Super Junior. Under the same company, SNSD better known as Girls' Generation debuted with 9 members.

Soon after that, JYP created One Day (2AM and 2PM) which consist of 11 10 members, 4 and 7 6 respectively. Even though they don't perform together, they are a group under One Day (I don't know how to explain so just go google). Later on, Nine Muses and ZE:A debuted under Star Empire Entertainment which each have 9 members. Even worst, Double B 21. I think by the name itself, you can guess how many members they have. Yes, it's freaking 21 members! Is the company trying to make them not to earn money? Just imagine them splitting their salary equally! Let's just say they earn $21 and each member will only get $1 for all their hard work.

Since I'm like basically talking about KPOP, I shall talk about this last thing as well. Now, korean industry is like getting more and more unbearable. Since the trend about having a lot of members in a group is gone, they are trying to make a new trend which is having the youngest average age in a group. I only can think 2 groups: GP Basic and Girl's Story. GP Basic's average age is 13.5 and they consist of 6 members. I just don't know what to say. Because of GP Basic's youngest member is 12, she is not allowed to perform on stage. I think the whole GP Basic should not perform since they are all 14 except the youngest one.. The world is going crazy.

Now, I'm going to pray that no KPOP fans accidentally see this post. Peace!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

18. Awesome

I guess it's not enough by just reblogging it on tumblr. I simply love her awesome red hair! :} Blogger is fished up so I just upload one of the picture instead of the whole gif pictures.

17. Fish It!

I was just randomly checking the apple shop cos one of my friends didn't know how to use iphone4 and I wanted to find if there is any instruction available online.. Since I was at apple website, I thought that I should just see the ipod part. When I clicked at ipod touch, the price for 32GB was only $299! I went WTF. Being so shocked, I start comparing the price from the old ipod touch and the new one. There was like $180 plus difference..

I wondered if I should buy one and then I realised that there should be something wrong and when i google 'apple singapore', the price of 32GB ipod touch is $428 (I knew it!).. But then, the price is cheaper than the previous ipod touch. The last time one that I bought was like $468? Can't remember it but it was more than the current price. So I think I will put ipod touch as one of the things that I will buy after I got my pay..

16. It's Getting Lonely

My account is getting lonely since none of my friends have an account at there.. My formspring account is getting more and more lonely as lesser and lesser people ask me questions. My friends are getting busier that they have no time to update their blog. I don't want to talk about facebook and twitter account since it's getting boring now. Life is just sad..

Someone entertain me please! D:

15. Sony Vaio VPCEA35

I think I fell in love with a laptop. Is it because Valentine's Day is coming? :x Anyway, who the fish created Valentine's Day?! It's not that I don't like it cos I'm not dating anyone.. It's just that I think it's a waste of money.. I don't know why but recently I become obsess with money. I think it's because I kept spending my money and it's depleting like there is no tomorrow..

Moving back to the topic, I totally like Sony Vaio VPCEA35! I saw it when I was at Parkway with Rosemary~ There are like 5 colours - black, white, pink, blue and green! :} I like the pink, green and the blue one..

I think it's like super nice but I didn't check like the quality. I currently need a new laptop since my first laptop is like dying because of overcharging, lagging and no space, and my second laptop which is the current one is lagging and no space. I actually want to buy hard disk to store all my files, photos and songs (especially!) but because I spoiled my sister's hard disk, I gotta find a work and buy a new one for her... Thus, I concluded that life is simply harsh.

14. Getting Cleaner

Remember about my messy table that I post before? I post twice about my table - post number 5 and 13. Since I'm too lazy to link it back, I will give you the 'newer' version of my messy table.. Don't be too shock about it okay? If I'm really lazy to clean my table, it will become like the picture below:

Thus after promising myself that I will clean it up yesterday, I finally managed to clean the whole table even though there are still unwanted stuffs on my table.. Thanks to Rosemary who had accompanied me to Daiso to buy all those things. I'm actually quite proud that I can clean this much but I want to clean it more so I might go to Daiso again and buy more things to make my table cleaner. The final product is:

I'm super great right? I managed to clean it within 5 to 6 hours. I'm so proud of myself! :} But while posting this, my table has become messy again! TT_TT I really feel crying! There are 2 bowls, 1 cup and plastic bag containing the food that I dabao today beside me.. I really need to make my table to have more space!! D: And did you see the shelf that is bending on the picture above? It's because of my nail polishes that are too heavy but the container is too tall to be put at the bottom shelf.. I might be buying another shelf and nail polish container.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

13. Going To Be Broke

I'm really going to be broke really soon. I'm supposed to save money but in the end, I'm spending them like crazy. Alight, half is not my fault but the another half is my fault. Since I'm a very messy person, my laptop table is seriously a mess since I basically put everything and do everything there - eating, drinking, watching drama, colouring my nails and etc...

There is seriously no space for me to put anymore things and I concluded that I should clean it up. So I went to Daiso with Rosemary to buy all the necessary stuffs to make my table neater.. At first, I intended to go with Alexandra but since Rosemary needs to buy stuffs at Daiso, I went with her instead. Bought really a lot of good things that actually helps me to clean up my table except for like 3 things like phone casing sticker, nail polish and a small metal container?

Man, I think Daiso is really a paradise. Everything is freaking $2. For example, I saw like a big scotch tape which outside probably sell it for $5? I'm so tempted to buy it since it's like $2 but thanks to Rosemary, I'm able to save money. I really have a fetish for stationaries, nail polish and household stuffs. In the end, I bought like 14 stuffs? After counting all the things that I bought, I think Daiso cheat me? I counted and there is only 13 stuffs.. Hmm, idk what is the last thing..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

12. I'm Tired

These few days, I have been sleeping like for less than 5 hours a day. It's getting lesser and lesser each day. I think today I need to sleep early as I'm getting the effects from lack of sleep.. I can't think properly, my eyes are super tired and giddy. Will try to sleep by 1AM today, wish me luck!

Also, I have been not eating properly. Saturday and Sunday, I ate curry rice for dinner only and in the middle of morning, went to eat ice cream (Saturday) and noodle (Sunday). It's getting worse and on Monday I only ate dinner which I couldn't finish and ate full 8 scoop of ice cream plus porridge. I'm supposed to get fatter but I'm losing weight. -.- Today, I only ate brunch so I supposed that before I sleep, I will be eating something? Planning to cook rice and some weird stuffs..

11. Rosemary-ah

Went for job hunting with Rosemary around Siglap there. Found 2 places that gave the paper to write. The common things between the two shops are that they are located at Siglap and both have wine.

Afterwards, went to eat our one day worth of food since we didn't eat breakfast and lunch. Surprisingly, I didn't finish my food.. Since we were so full, we walked until Marine Terrace's bus stop and took a bus to Parkway~

Headed to Cotton On, Etude House, Best Denki and Giant. I recommend people not to buy the nail polish from Cotton On which is the picture above. How should I say? It dries fast but the smell is totally horrible.. At first, I think the colour is not that nice on my nails as well.. I'm going to meet Rosemary tomorrow and let her see the nails with that colour and let's see what she will say..

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Monday, February 7, 2011

10. Wants!

I think I'm getting crazy whenever I look at blogshops. I have so many things that I want! D: Being a girl is difficult I guess? :x I have 11 heels that I like in one blogshop! Moreover, I have a lot of other blogshops to see.. Now, I only can think that money really is important. I think if I add all the things that I want onto my wish list, it will be like overloaded?

Somehow, I envy short people now. They can just wear any height of the heel.. My mum would kill me if I use too high but the nice heels are all damn tall! What am I supposed to do? :/ And since I bought another heel this year like January, I told myself not to buy anymore until the rest spoils first then I buy another one. I don't think I have that many heels but my mum told me that there is no need for me to have so many heels. Hmm, can't do anything since the money is hers?

Thus, I have concluded that I really need a job right now. I need to earn money!! Once it's the money that I earn by myself, no one can ever say anything with what I buy! :}

9. Blogger Android!!

I was so happy when I know that there is a Blogger app for Android! I download it straightaway but I think it a bit suck? Hmm, idk how to explain? :x I haven't really use it since I never subscribe internet for my phone.. So basically, I only can use it at home? Pretty useless but my phone cannot have internet cos the battery will not last that long.

My cousin-in-law has the same phone with me and she told me that her phone won't last a day cause of the internet. So for those who wants to buy Samsung Galaxy S, should think twice before buying it. If you want internet, don't buy Samsung Galaxy S.

Talking about phone, I want LG Optimus One!

It's all because of my friend! T^T She has Samsung Galaxy S and LG Optimus One and she let's me play around with the LG. I think it is not bad.. Since last time, I have decided not to buy the same brand of phone. I tried nokia, sony ericsson and now samsung. The only phone that I don't want to try is motorola since I don't really like it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

8. Polaroids

I have been thinking that the first thing that I will buy after I get my pay from my part time job will be polaroid. Since my dad refuses to buy it for me even for my birthday present, I decided that I should buy it with my hard earned money. It's not that my dad doesn't want to buy it for me, it's just that he finds polaroids are a waste of money. He rather buy a DSLR for me. For some reason, I rather have polaroid than DSLR for now. Of course, I like love DSLR but I want to have polaroid first.

Thus, I need to plan which polaroid should I get after my first pay. I know that I'm rather too fast forward since I hasn't even gotten my job yet. But what should I do? I need to plan everything since I'm scared that I can not decide it by the time I got my first pay. These are the polaroids that I'm interested in:

1. Instax Mini 7s (White)

I think I don't really want to buy this polaroid since almost everyone is using this one. Even though not many people are using the brown one (I think the brown one is sucky but 2NE1 uses the brown one -.-).. I don't really like to use something that it's pretty common? ;x

2. Instax Mini 25 (White)

Not that bad and it's small! :} One of my friends have it but it's the Hello Kitty version one~ Not common and 80% I'm going to buy this.. And I think it's only sold in Japan?

3. Instax Mini 25 (White, Hello Kitty)

If I'm not wrong, it's 'limited edition' so I might be buying it? :D It's also sold in Japan since when Katherine wanted to buy polaroid, the seller said that there is no Hello Kitty one in Singapore.. Hmm, not sure if I should buy it since my friend has this.. -.-

4. Instax Piano 50s

I think it's the newest one! Never see how it actually look like but I don't like the shape of the polaroid.. Since not many people have this, I think it's pretty cool! :) But the price is also very pretty cool, twice of the others.. T^T

7. Schedule

I'm planning to go to Daiso with Alexandra later on to buy a lot of things! :} I can't bear to see my table anymore and I really need to clean it up fast! Actually, I planned to go on Monday but since I really need to clean it up fast, I will go later instead.

On Monday, I will be going around Siglap with Rosemary to hunt for jobs. We actually found one at Ion but it was last month. I think by now, the boss already found people to work at her shop.. I wanted to work at Mandarin Oriental Hotel but the thought of having to memorise the whole menu made me dizzy. Since I don't have a good memory, I wonder if I should actually work at a Hotel's restaurant..

The next day, I'm going out with Alexandra again. Since I'm going to Polytechnic, I need to buy a lot of clothes! :} Well, I think I need to find a job first to earn money before buying stuffs. T^T

I need to book a day for Huiwen twin. Promised to go out with her.. Wait, was it me that forced her to go out with me? Anyway, I need to go out with her since we promised to go to Far East Plaza again~ And I just found out that she hates Bugis Street cause it's always crowded. So I'm going to go Bugis Street again with her when there is school! :} Clever aren't I?

6. Somewhere Far

For some reasons, I don't want to stay at my house. I want to go out like from morning till late at night. I somehow feel suffocated to stay at home. For the first time, I feel like the world should just end right now. I'm not going to forgive you and yes, I'm not changing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

5. Messy!

At first, today was a great day until my sis annoyed me. There is a saying that on Chinese New Year, you should try not to wash your hair cos of the 'good luck' thing. And because of her, 15 min after Chinese New Year, I bathed and washed my hair. Asshole.

Basically, my Chinese New Year is ruined. So I will most likely have a lot of bad luck this year since all the important dates are all filled with anger and regrets. Wish me luck this year as I think I really need it?

Moving on, I'm going to shop at Daiso! As the picture above, I really need to organise my stuffs. Thus, I came up with what I need to buy - a drawer, pencil holder(s), container and small plastic(s). I don't know how to explain it so yeah, I will just write it as how I understand it~

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

4. Awesome Song

Yesung - It has to be you [Cinderella's Sister OST]

Today, i wander in my memory
I’m pasing around on the end of this way
You’re still holding me tightly, even though i can’t see you any more
I’m losing my way again
I’m praying to the sky i want see you and hold you more
that i want to see you and hold you more
It can’t be if it’s not you
I can’t be without you
It’s okay if i’m hurt for a day and a year like this
It’s fine even if my heart’s hurts
Yes because i’m just in love with you
I cannot send you away one more time
I can’t live without you
It can’t be if it’s not you
I can’t be without you
It’s okay if i’m hurt for a day and a year like this
It’s fine even if my heart’s hurts
Yes because i’m just in love with you
My bruised heart
Is screaming to me to find you
Where are you?
Can’t you hear my voice?
To me…
If i live my life again
If i’m born over and over again
I can’t live without you for a day
You’re the one i will keep
You’re the one i will love
I’m… yes because i’m happy enough if i could be with you

3. A Day With Alexandra

Went to Plaza Sing with Alexandra. Bought some stuffs at Daiso.. What should I say? Daiso is definitely a heaven! When I'm going to buy household stuffs, I'm going to Daiso and buy all the things that I want! :} All damn great lah!

Another thing that I want to say is arcade, the stuff toy part. Went in to the arcade to look around and then I found a lot Rilakumma! It's like super big! Omg, if anyone knows how to play the machine, contact me okay? I don't mind the smaller one since the big one is like impossible to get..

Moving on, I'm going out with Huiwen twin tomorrow to 3 places - Buona Vista, Bugis and Far East. I'm going to curse everyone except the sellers to be sick so that Bugis and Far East will not be crowded.. Hopefully my wish will come true! :)