
Monday, February 7, 2011

9. Blogger Android!!

I was so happy when I know that there is a Blogger app for Android! I download it straightaway but I think it a bit suck? Hmm, idk how to explain? :x I haven't really use it since I never subscribe internet for my phone.. So basically, I only can use it at home? Pretty useless but my phone cannot have internet cos the battery will not last that long.

My cousin-in-law has the same phone with me and she told me that her phone won't last a day cause of the internet. So for those who wants to buy Samsung Galaxy S, should think twice before buying it. If you want internet, don't buy Samsung Galaxy S.

Talking about phone, I want LG Optimus One!

It's all because of my friend! T^T She has Samsung Galaxy S and LG Optimus One and she let's me play around with the LG. I think it is not bad.. Since last time, I have decided not to buy the same brand of phone. I tried nokia, sony ericsson and now samsung. The only phone that I don't want to try is motorola since I don't really like it.

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