
Sunday, February 6, 2011

8. Polaroids

I have been thinking that the first thing that I will buy after I get my pay from my part time job will be polaroid. Since my dad refuses to buy it for me even for my birthday present, I decided that I should buy it with my hard earned money. It's not that my dad doesn't want to buy it for me, it's just that he finds polaroids are a waste of money. He rather buy a DSLR for me. For some reason, I rather have polaroid than DSLR for now. Of course, I like love DSLR but I want to have polaroid first.

Thus, I need to plan which polaroid should I get after my first pay. I know that I'm rather too fast forward since I hasn't even gotten my job yet. But what should I do? I need to plan everything since I'm scared that I can not decide it by the time I got my first pay. These are the polaroids that I'm interested in:

1. Instax Mini 7s (White)

I think I don't really want to buy this polaroid since almost everyone is using this one. Even though not many people are using the brown one (I think the brown one is sucky but 2NE1 uses the brown one -.-).. I don't really like to use something that it's pretty common? ;x

2. Instax Mini 25 (White)

Not that bad and it's small! :} One of my friends have it but it's the Hello Kitty version one~ Not common and 80% I'm going to buy this.. And I think it's only sold in Japan?

3. Instax Mini 25 (White, Hello Kitty)

If I'm not wrong, it's 'limited edition' so I might be buying it? :D It's also sold in Japan since when Katherine wanted to buy polaroid, the seller said that there is no Hello Kitty one in Singapore.. Hmm, not sure if I should buy it since my friend has this.. -.-

4. Instax Piano 50s

I think it's the newest one! Never see how it actually look like but I don't like the shape of the polaroid.. Since not many people have this, I think it's pretty cool! :) But the price is also very pretty cool, twice of the others.. T^T

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