
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3. A Day With Alexandra

Went to Plaza Sing with Alexandra. Bought some stuffs at Daiso.. What should I say? Daiso is definitely a heaven! When I'm going to buy household stuffs, I'm going to Daiso and buy all the things that I want! :} All damn great lah!

Another thing that I want to say is arcade, the stuff toy part. Went in to the arcade to look around and then I found a lot Rilakumma! It's like super big! Omg, if anyone knows how to play the machine, contact me okay? I don't mind the smaller one since the big one is like impossible to get..

Moving on, I'm going out with Huiwen twin tomorrow to 3 places - Buona Vista, Bugis and Far East. I'm going to curse everyone except the sellers to be sick so that Bugis and Far East will not be crowded.. Hopefully my wish will come true! :)

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