
Saturday, February 19, 2011

27. First Day!!

Before the work, I was totally nervous! Ask Rosemary and you will know how nervous I was!! :( I got scared by what one of the people said there and it has been long since I was working. In addition, the previous job doesn't allow me to take orders and at this place, they expected me to take orders. I was super scared that I wrote wrong order and the customer would complain. So when the actual work starts, I was still nervous and scared but I got used to it. It was actually quite fun and the food looked damn nice!

I think next time I will go to their place to eat since workers will get 20% discount if not wrong? But even with the 20% discount, it will not be cheap. The cheapest food is around $10 and the cheapest drink is around $5 unless you take water which is totally free. I totally want to eat the burgers when I go there to eat! :}

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