
Sunday, February 13, 2011

23. Nail Colour

While waiting for my nails to dry, I shall post this.. My nails are was supposed to dry like ages ago but they are not drying cos I put freaking a lot of layers.. Recently, I became obsessed with nail polishes. I really just want to buy everything that are available in Singapore. Even if I have the colour from a shop, I will still want to buy it from another shop. Someone please cure this obsession of mine! D:

Just this monday when I blogged about colouring my nails to green colour, I changed my nails' colour yesterday to silver. Then today, I changed my nails' colour again. While I was colouring my nails, I then think about all my nail polishes. I wonder when I'm going to finish them since I have like 20 without adding my sister's nail polishes. 3 of my nail polishes are black and they are most likely still full. T^T




Within a week, I coloured my nails 3 times. This basically means that my nails' cells are dead, seriously dead. I overlapped the silver colour with the recent black&white since I'm too lazy to erase it. Actually, I just wanted to try to do nail art and if something went wrong, I can just erased it without worry. However, if I erased the silver colour and then try to do the nail art and if something went wrong, I would probably be angry at myself. Thus I just wanted to try but I forgotten to try and went on colouring my nails to black&white. -.-

Boys can't possibly understand how tiring it is to colour our (girls') nails. Just in case if any guys reading this and they went on: "What?! You spend so much money on nail polishes!" or "How troublesome it is to colour your nails?" I shall summarise the whole process.

First, we need to use nail base coat before we use any colour. I bought mine from The Face Shop and it cost like $2.90? Nail base coat is transparent and most of the time, girls will use this when they are still school since it's transparent. I don't know for what but last time I also coloured my nails with base coat to school.

After the base coat dries, then we apply any colour that we want. Depending on the mood or what, it's good to have a lot of colours? Anyway, the nail polish industry is getting more cruel by making more and more colours for us, girls, to buy. They also make it one glittery and one is not glittery and we will end up buying both even though they are the same colour. Moving on, after everything, then use nail top coat which will help to make the nail colour stays longer.

I like O.P.I's nail polishes but I don't know where to buy it and I have never tried O.P.I's polishes before. I heard they are damn good and probably the number one in nail polish industry. Well, even if they are available in stores, they will cost a bomb. But I think I will still buy them, just some colours of course..

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